The week started with two excellent dives at Las Eras. Melissa headed off with Stiven and Patrick. This was the first time that Stiven had been to Las Eras and he loved the site. On the first dive they were lucky to see two trigger fish they followed the group around for almost the whole dive and they also found a new nativity scene placed there by some locals, they also saw a glass eye and a grouper.
On the second dive to the pipeline they saw a whole group of trigger fish we assume they are breeding as they were at least 8, unusual for this site, also they saw a friendly black Moray watching us from the pipeline.
The group headed off to yellow Mountain to complete Patricks Navigation dives, and for Stiven to focus on nagivation and help Melissa learn her way around Yellow Mountain. Things did not go to Plan, on the first dive Melissa and Stiven got slightly lost on their way way to the boat..... and alittle more than slightly lost on the second dive. All great experience and lots of fun!!!
Another pool session, where they have all done extremely well, then off for Patrick to complete the last of his deep speciality dives, and then for all the interns to complete their PADI Rescue diver course. They had a great afternoon completing the rescue scenarios.
The following morning we were all up early for our Project AWARE urchin Culling session. We had two fantastic dives clearing a large area at Yellow Mountain. Stiven, Patrick and Gary had a competition to see who could clear the most space. Stiven won easily! A very therapeutic morning for us all!
Alice, Patrick, and Gary headed off to El Puertito to meet newly weds Randi and Aleks for their Discover Scuba Diving Experience. They both did really well and enjoyed themselves before heading off to enjoy the rest of their honeymoon.
It was great to meet Sean and Neda who are here for a few days diving starting off for Sean with a scuba Tune up with Melissa and Stiven. Sean did really well and enjoyed his pool session before heading out on the boat with Neda for two fun dives at Yellow Mountain. On the dives they saw Ocotpus, Moray Eels and several very large trumpet Fish.
Patrick was also in the pool with his brother John completing a Discover Scuba Diving experience before heading out on the boat to Yellow Mountain. John loved his dives and wants to continue, shame he is only here for a few days so doesn't have time to complete his PADI Open Water course. Next time!!!