A welcome relief for the team here at Dive and Sea Tenerife days off at the start of the week. We all get so caught up diving planning etc and forget we have been working for two weeks flat out. So much to do and so little time!
Melissa had a fun day at the shop on her own at the beginning of the week, peaceful and busy catching up more blogs, facebook and newsletters to catch up on while Pete and Alice both enjoyed very lazy days off.
Melissa had a great day off joining the gym, and walking her two dogs Sapphie and Ruby. Then flopping on the sofa the rest of the day!!! Unfortunately for Melissa having been away from the gym for over 4 years now she paid with very very achy muscles for the rest of the week.
A chilly but bright start on Wednesday, Chris and Martin were back joining us for two dives at Poco Naufragio and Starfish bay we were also joined by Darren aka Spike who is over for a nice holiday with lots of diving. Now that both Martin and Chris are PADI Advanced Open Water divers they can now explore more challenging deeper dives. On their first dive they had a great time with the Rays and were also lucky enough to see two moray eels, a really great dive. On the second dive out at Starfish bay they saw Nudi Branc lots of starfish and Wrasse, Bream and Damsels.
Unfortunately this was the last dives for Chris and Martin but we hope to see them back again next time they are here in Tenerife.
Melissa and Spike headed off to Abades, they had two great dives the first dive to Abades Bay was great, they saw Cuttlefish, Nudi Branch and two small groupers as well as a very brave Octopus. On the second dive off of Abades beach they saw a large Black Moray, Red Backed Cleaner shrimp cleaning a red reef lobster as well as lots of gorgeous anemones. A great mornings dive followed by a lovely cup of hot chocolate.
Its that time of year again when we are all busy advertising the Divemaster Internships for 2013. Its always great to see a huge response from interested candidates quickly filling the slots over the summer months. If anyone is interested in receiving the information pack about our Divemaster Internships or professional courses please don’t hesitate to let us know.
We are all looking forward to a busy week next week with the Open Water courses as well as the return of Ryan our first every divemaster Intern who has since trained to be an Instructor, and Aidan one of our fabulous repeat customers.