Friday, February 27, 2015

A busy and fun week training the PADI Divemaster Interns

Divers Group Tabaiba 17022015
After a nice restful weekend off after the fun of carnival and a great trip out to Adeje Chicken,.. yes we simply can’t get enough of the place :-)
we headed out to Yellow Mountain to complete some training for the PADI Divemaster Interns, Hermit, Maik, Blenny and Biff.  They all did really well completing their Search and Recovery exercise at Yellow Mountain.
After a long hard day at the office we headed to La Tasquita De Nina for an amazing Canarian dining experience… we all decided we deserved the feast that was laid in front of us, luckily Biff was there to eat absolutely everything
We are now on the home stretch for Biff, who was busy this week perfecting his skill circuit, it has been great to see his skills develop over the last few weeks and finally this week I got the chance to head to the pool to mark his skills, well done Biff your skills have hit their demonstartion  peak :-)
Wednesday I had the chance to head to tabaiba with the team to complete the Instructor Specialties for Buzz and Ned Wreck and Deep, they both achieved the goals and their Knowledge Presentations were greatly received by the team.  Meanwhile good news for Biff, Maik and Blenny who completed their PADI Divemaster Deep Assessment, while Hermit got the chance to lead and brief his first dives with Dudley and Vicki, a scary but exhilarating experience for him and very well done.
Another group night out to Meson Las Eras Las Mozas a meat feast Canarian BBW, as always outstanding  and the portion size is simply astonishing
It was great to welcome Steve back to the group for two dives at Poco Naufragio where he saw the largest Ray he has ever seen, and we are looking forward to him returning in March.
Yet another skill session to finish the week off Congratulations to Biff he has passed all of his Skill Circuit, just a few last things to do and he will be a Divemaster :-)

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Finally I am here on My Internship Hermit has arrived :-)

So, I guess it’s time to write my blog…

Once upon a time I was called Paul, but now I’m Hermit. I came to Tenerife for the first time last February and completed my PADI Open Water Diver course at Mermaid Diving. I ended up having such a great time that I came back three more times in 2014 and worked my way up to being a qualified PADI Rescue Diver. When the opportunity came up for me to come back for a PADI Divemaster Internship, I jumped, booked the time off and now I’m back in Golf del Sur.

Now that I’ve finished the first week, I can honestly say that this is an amazing experience… It’s hard work (definitely not a holiday), but a lot more fun than sitting in an office in front of a computer.
This week I’ve been getting up to speed with where everything is, where to get tanks filled, and a lot of studying. I’m also still trying to get used to driving the trusty Jumpy in crazy Tenerife traffic. I got to sit in on a Scuba Review and and Open Water Diver course, and have a pool session working on perfecting my skills presentation.

The gang from the shop have been out for a few amazing meals, and a trip to Carnival in Santa Cruz which was an amazing night.

Well, I’ve got to run for now, still have another chapter in my Divemaster book that I need to get finished before I head out to Adeje Chicken (Google it…) for dinner. Watch this space for more updates…

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Carnival has arrived :-)

A great start to a nice busy week here at Mermaid Diving, a welcome back to Hermit who has joined us for our PADI Divemaster Internship, a welcome addition to the team, as Hermit spent 7 weeks with us here at Mermaid Diving last year he has just slotted straight back in to life here at the dive centre.
On Monday morning I headed down to the Marina with the Divemaster Interns Biff, Maik, Blenny and Hermit for the PADI Rescue Diver course.  Ned and Buzz both brand new Instructors were running their first course, they both did really well, running through all of Rescue exercises.
Then we all headed back off to the Dive Centre to start the PADI Open Water Diver course for Shilo.  We started with the confined sessions 1-3 in the afternoon, Shilo did really well and didnt struggle on any of the skills, the next day we completed the final confined sessions for Shilo before heading to Abades to complete his PADI Open Water dives one and two, we were joined by his Mum Michelle who completed her Scuba Review with Ned before joining the dives.  They both did really well and it was great to see Shilo improve even from dive one to two.
In between the dives Ned, Buzz and I were looking at the Rescue Scenarios for Biff who did really well on Rescue exercise 7, and then his Search for the missing diver was very well executed.  Well done Biff!
Whilst I headed off to the hospital to get some good news about my eye, I am still back in the water :-) , Lee completed the PADI Open Water Diver course for Shilo, off they went to Las Eras and Yellow Mountain, again Shilo did really well, before returning to the shop to complete his Open Water exam, he passed with flying colours.
Well done to Maik and Blenny for working hard to complete their Rescue diver Scenarios with Ned and Buzz, and of course more stamina fun for the gang, its great to see that they are all improving with the stamina.
Michelle and Shilo were really excited to do a last dive here in Tenerife with the Turtles at El Puertito, they had a great morning out on their dive and were happy to have seen three Turtles while they were there.
The end of the week and we were all excited about Carnical, Ned, Buzz and I stayed back at the Dive Centre, while Hermit, Vicky, Biff, Dudley, Maik and Blenny headed off to El puertito to play with the Turtles.  They had an amazing time and got back just in time to prepare to head off to Carnival.  We all had an amazing evening at Carnival all dressed up as Crocodiles….. looking forward to next week :-)