Friday, October 12, 2012

5 Star PADI IDC Centre and lots of diving in Tenerife

This week at Dive and Sea Tenerife, has been a nice busy week, now that the shop is finally all in one piece again and looking lovely we can focus again on more diving.

To start the week off we had the fantastic news that we had been accepted for our Upgrade to 5 Star Instructor Development Centre.    We were all really pleased with this news.

PADI IDC Centre - PADI Instructor Development Course - Scuba Instructor

As an 5 Star IDC Centre, one of only 4 in Tenerife, and the first in the region of Golf Del Sur / Amarilla Golf we can offer all levels of PADI Scuba Diving Professional courses including;
Pre IDC Course
PADI Assistant Instructor
PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor
PADI Speciality Instructor
PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer
PADI Staff Instructor
Emergency First Responder Instructor

So if you are interested in becoming a PADI Professional and leaning from our PADI Platinum Course Director and PADI Master Instructors just send us an e-mail or give us a ring.

We also welcomed new interns Sam and Lydia to the Dive Centre, Lydia is from Holland but has excellent English and Sam is from the UK English skills debatable!!

PADI Divemaster internship Tenerife

Also a very sad start to the week as we had to say goodbye to Geoffrey, now finally having booked a flight to fly back this year not 2013!! ……….. he wanted to stay that badly he booked his flight back for next year!!!!  The cloud to the silver lining is that at least its one of his flights covered for next year!
Geoffrey is pictured here with his Sister during her PADI Discover Scuba Diving experience.

PADI Discover Scuba Diving Experince

Geoffrey did his last dive with Melissa at Playa Negra they had great fun even playing Tennis underwater.  Back at the marina Geoffrey decided it was a good idea to tip a bucket of water over Melissa so all hell broke loose with the hose pipe a fun end to a fantastic 8 week internship.

After a very thorough Induction by Alice, the new interns Sam and Lydia  were pleased to learn that the next day would be nice and busy a pool session followed by diving at Abades, and then more pool work!!

Diver with Arrowcrab Tenerife

An early morning pool skills sessions followed by  two great dives at Abades Point later and off for the second pool session of the day left new interns feeling a little tired, not too tired however that they turned down the chance to join the team for a nice swift drink after work!!!

Dutch Divemaster candidate in Tenerife

It has been fun this first week teaching Lydia lots of new skills….. Washing the dishes with hot water!
How to Mop, sweep and dust, and clean cars and windows.  All of these new things she does with a smile on her face to her credit and her Mum has now confirmed that she has honestly never done any of these tasks at home!

Pete joined Lydia and Sam for a dive at Yellow Mountain, followed by another two dives with Alice.  They all enjoyed the boat dives and thought that the dive sites in Yellow Mountain bay were great.
These sites are frequently visited  and there is always so much to see

Tenerife Urchin culling

We were joined mid week by Farid and Sihame for their Discover Scuba Diving Experience, a great opportunity for Sam and Hannah  to view the pool sessions.  Hannah is joining us as a certified PADI Divemaster to complete her Discover Scuba Diving Leader internship.  Both DSD students were fantastic  in the pool managing to show poor Sam up when he was rolling around in the pool!  Then off for their boat dive at Yellow Mountain.

Try dives with training in Tenerife

More good news this week that Pete has achieved his PADI Master Instructor Status!  More celebration drinks!!

Hannah was excited to run her first Discover Scuba Diving experience for friend Annabelle under the watchful eye of Pete with lovely assistant Lydia.  Annabelle loved her experience and was raring to go out to dive in the sea, joined by Megan, David who on their journey across to America stopped off for a couple of dives with us.

A miracle also happened this week Ian, or Dave as Pete insists on calling him, finally joined us for some dives!  We headed off bright and early with Ian, Melissa, Alice, Sam, Lydia and Olga for two dives we were happy to see a Black Moray Eel, Common Ray and the body of a Fangtooth because despite looking around for some time we could not see its head!
Ian also was obviously a little peckish as he decided to try and eat Melissa’s fin on the safety stop.

Diver with camera in Tenerife

Melissa has been eagerly awaiting the arrival of one of our first ever interns Emma (the best intern ever according to Melissa), and have met Ben (AKA Rob / Ron) her “ PADI Instructor” boyfriend.   Ben is studying in Marine biology and wants  to collect some seaweed samples while he was here (interesting …..)

PADI instructor and PADI Divemaster in Tenerife

Melissa headed off with  Emma and Ben, for their first two dives, back in Tenerife were at Abades.
Ben has never dived in Tenerife before and loved the dives.
He was very impressed by the amount of Aquatic life that you can readily see.

Back at the marina and washing the kit Melissa had fun trying to hurry Sam and Lydia up a little by keep spraying them with the hose.

All in all a very productive and happy week.

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