Monday, December 31, 2012

More PADI Divemaster's and.... Santa pays a visit !

What a great week the last week before Christmas arrives.  We are all looking forward to a little break for Christmas before the madness of the festive season for diving continues.
Christmas diving

We are all still in the festive spirit here at Dive and Sea Tenerife and we all went out for our Team Christmas Party.  Melissa insists on having Christmas music on every day in the shop and in the cars so everyone has to be happy and cheery they have no other choice, who can not smile when Christmas songs are playing??
Underwater Santa !

Congratulations to Andreas (Perry, Gnasher, Fish Boy and Dog Fish) for passing his PADI Divemaster certification this week. 
Andreas has done really well completing his internship in under 8 weeks, he has been a pleasure to have on the internship and we will all be really sad to see him leave at the end of December. 
Andreas, just like Dennis, joined us without any diving certification at all, so its a HUGE achievement to complete the internship and also be an excellent Divemaster.
Good luck from all of us here at Dive and Sea Tenerife we are all sure you will do brilliantly in your new career!

Divemaster internshipThe week started nice and bright and Pete headed off to Tabaiba with Alice, Lydia, Dennis, Andreas and Moomin.  Andreas was particularly happy to finally get to dive the wreck at Tabaiba as the last two times due to Intern error he has been unable to dive!!
They all loved the Wreck.  Congratulations to Lydia for completing her PADI Wreck Diver Speciality!!  Lydia has really enjoyed the experience of diving not as an intern but as a customer and had lots of fun bossing the other interns around all day!
I am not sure they were so happy but it was fun for us others to see.

Wreck diving in Tenerife

Then we were joined by René from Holland who is over for a diving holiday for two weeks.  The first dives he completed this week were at El Deflin and Pequeno Valle.  Alice, Lydia, Dennis, and Andreas and Moomin joined René on his dives.  On the first dive they were really please to find a Canarian Lobster as well as Moray Eels and Anemones.  
On the second dive they saw Octopus, Anemones and 100's of Bream.

Later in the week we were joined by Kali (from America) and Yaroslav (from Russia) who were here to complete their PADI Open Water Diver course.  They headed off to the Pool for their first confined session, both were really nervous but excited at the same time,
Dennis and Lydia were Alice’s assistant.  First of all Lydia completed the PADI Discover Scuba Diving experience with Kali and Yaroslav, before Alice moved on with the Open Water confined sessions.  They both did really well in their morning session followed by the open Water DVD before the afternoon pool session.
PADI Advanced Course

A great day for Kali and Yaroslav which was then followed by a nice relaxing day off, with more reading!!! Before they start their Open water dives.  They kept themselves busy with Whale Watching and Paragliding.

PADI Open Water Course

After our long days hard work it was time to put on our glad rags and head out to Sound of musicals!  We were joined on our team Christmas Party by friends from Teide Divers, Jackie, Javier, Phil and Stfy.  We all had an amazing time, the show, food and company was great as alway.
We were all a little bemused to see that Pete not only tried to have a piggy back ride on Alice…...but found that his feet were still touching the floor but also later Dennis was carrying him around the car park.
Shame we all felt a little worse for wear the next day!!! Worse for Alice who apparently fell over but has no memory of such an event. A well planned day off followed for everyone!

So Day two of the PADI Open Water course bright and early with smiley faces they headed off to Yellow Mountain to complete their first two Open Water dives, they had two great sessions, and really enjoyed the experience, then it was off to the shop to complete their exams!  They both did really well with high scores and were looking forward to the next day!!
Trumpet fish

Meanwhile Melissa and Andreas headed off with Reno to Las Eras, they had two great dives, and it was so nice to visit Las Eras without there being any trace of a current, on the first dive they were really lucky and Saw Octopus, Cuttlefish, Cleaner Shrimp, Moray Eels, A Grouper as well as a small Common Ray, a fabulous start, then off to the pipeline where they saw Octopus, Moray Eels as well as Wrasse, Bream Damsels and Hermit Crabs.
A great mornings diving then off to the Marina for kit washing!

Day 3 of the course and the final Open Water dives for Kali and Yaroslav.  It has been great fun completing the Open Water course for Kali and Yaroslav as they are both really friendly happy people who are really enjoying their diving experiences.
Brown Moray Eel
They did really well on all the skills on their dives.  They are looking forward to more dives during their holiday. Dennis has proved to Alice that he is an excellent assistant on diving courses and we are all really proud of his achievements.

Andreas and Moonim were out completing the final dives for Moomins PADI Divemaster course as he needed to finish his dive site map of Alien Rock.  Luckily he managed to get all of the correct data today.  This was the last box to tick for Moomin for his PADI Divemaster course.  Well done to Moomin for finally passing his Divemaster Internship.  A welcome drink was had by all.
Divemaster's and Instructors

Lucky Alice, as she must now be known, has 11 days off for Xmas!  Poor Melissa and Pete have to stay behind to do all the hard work!!!
She claims shes sad to be going!  But really we know she is off to appear as Santa’s little Helper on Christmas Eve.
So all of you look out for Alice delivering your Christmas Presents, with Santa, on Christmas Eve …. She’s the one dressed like an Elf!!!

Kali and Varoslav enjoyed their diving experience so much they have already started their PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course.
They along with Rob from America have so far completed 3 of their Advanced Open Water divers, Navigation, Fish Identification, and Digital Underwater photography.

PADI Advanced course Tenerife
They all did really well on their dives and Brooke, who joined partner Rob, was also there having fun recreational dives at Yellow Mountain.
So well done guys more hard work tomorrow at Tabaiba for the Deep and Wreck dives.

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