Thursday, December 20, 2012

PADI Instructor Development IDC and lots of diving

A sad week as we have had to say good bye to Mary Poppins Practically perfect in every way Sam (aka Popeye)  Sam has become a valued member of our team, he has done really well during his PADI Divemaster internship and we hope that he will return in the new year.

Divemaster PADI

On a brighter note, Lydia, Moomin Kevin, Perry and Angela all became PADI Rescue Divers this week, another fun filled open water session on the rescue course, with stooges being great casualties ! 
Now they can all start to focus on their PADI Divemaster course.  More skill sessions, more stamina and the dreaded exams!!!
PADI Rescue Course

Not a good week for Angela as she injured herself about a week ago, messing about at the beach!, and now her wound has become infected and so she is out of the water for at least the next week!!!  
At least she has plenty of time to study unlike the other interns for them its go go go!!!

Another high is that Alice, our PADI Assistant Instructor has started her PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC)  she has spent a lot of time preparing for this course, many hours of studying and stressing so we are all positive that she will do really well.
PADI Instructor Course

Alice is also joined by Lorcan from Gran Canaria who will join the team for their IDC.  They will be on this course for the next 8 days.  This is then followed by two days of the Instructor Examinations. 
We all wish them the best of luck, I am sure they will be fine as in the first few days they have started to find their feet and are progressing well with the theory and practical sessions.

The interns had some fun dives this week at Abades, Lydia, Kevin, Moomin and Gnasher.  They completed 3 dives at Abades. This was excellent practice for Lydia as she was able to brief and lead all of the dives.  Its great to see the progress that she is making from her first attempts so well done Lydia and keep up the good work.  On their dives they were really happy to have seen Cuttlefish, a couple of Octopus, a lovely Cylinder Anemone and they are all keeping a close eye out for the Sexy Shrimp as found earlier this year by Matt.
Red Back Cleaner Shrimp

Melissa has managed to find a great motivation tool to speed the interns up and that’s breakfast at the Aberdeen!!!  Yummy, its amazing how fast they can all work when breakfast is up for grabs!

This week Lydia has been improving well and has completed her Kit Exchange so well done to her!!!  
She has also completed yet another PADI Speciality her Surface Marker Buoy, in the next few weeks she will also complete her Nitrox and Wreck Speciality.


We were joined this week by Ann and Dennis from Belgium to complete their PADI Advanced Open Water Course, they both did excellently completing, Boat, Wreck, Navigation, Peak Performance Buoyancy and Deep dives.   Two busy diving days, with lots to see.

Divers in Tenerife

Laura and her husband Garantas from Lithuania were really happy to get in the pool for a Scuba Tune up.  before heading out to Yellow Mountain for a dive with Melissa and Pete.  They had a great dive and saw Anemones, Cuttlefish, White Bream, Ornate Wrasse andsome great Trumpet fish.

A nice treat for Kevin and Perry as their Girlfriends Leah and Katerine arrived from Denmark to see them for a few days bringing Dennis’ beloved Guitar with them. 

Leah (Kevins Girlfriend) was excited to complete her Discover Scuba Diving Session, they had a great hour of fun in the pool, and Leah was really pleased that she was able to feel so relaxed.  
The following day  they headed out and then to be joined at ElPuertito by Kevin, Perry and Katerine, an  Open Water diver, who completed a Scuba Tune Up in the pool.  

Dive with Turtles in Tenerife

They had an amazing time at El Puertito and in the dives they were luckily enough to see 3 separate Turtles as well as a huge Octopus.  

Tenerife Turtles

The Turtles as ever were amazingly friendly and  followed the group of divers around for the entire dive. Poor Perry did not listen when Melissa mentioned that the Turtles think fingers might be fish and got a little bit on his hand… he is however very proud of his war wound!!!

More from me next week with a special update about how the PADI Instructor Development Course has been.

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