Friday, November 28, 2014

Its great to be back with the Mermaids again

Today i have been on my internship for a week now! It has been amazing to be back in the water again diving, since the last time I went was when I was here as a customer last January! And I enjoyed it so much I have come back to stay for 2 months!
It is also nice to be able to come to some heat and sunshine after leaving a frosty England behind!
The team have been great at making me feel welcome and helping me get to grips with the work I have to do along side the fun diving part. There is also a really nice atmosphere within the team and socialising outside of work has been part of the fun!
Getting back into diving has been like I have never been away! I have seen octopus, barracuda and cuttlefish as well as many others. Fish identification isn’t my strongest skill so I am hoping this will be something I can improve on through out the course.
This week I even got to see some Dolphins from the boat! Which probably highlighted my week!
I was able to shadow an advanced open water course which meant that I got to do a night dive this week, which always makes me feel a little more nervous but I actually really enjoyed this one and could still see pretty far with the torches! It also meant that I got to know the customers, doing their dives with them, which was nice to be able to do and interesting to be able to watch.
This week I also helped with a snorkel around yellow mountain, we swam to a great spot that was quite shallow and we still got to see quite a lot, lots of cuttle fish and trumpet fish!
I am looking forward to the rest of my internship and being able to learn lots along the way and I am still waiting to dive with my first shark! :)

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