Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Should of read the small print.... its great fun but definately not an eight week holiday

Last week I landed in sunny tenerife and couldnt wait to go to the dive shop to meet my new team.
After getting my new name Flo WHICH... I was very happy with it was a great start, apparently I am part of a crocodile duo fvrom the little Mermaid along with Ebb my fellow newbie intern.
First night and straight out with the team off to Meson Era Las Mozas an amazing restaurant out in the middle of Tenerife, what an amazing start to the Divemaster Internship.
Monday was the start of the internship Ebb and I had a brief induction with Melissa ... and I am dreading my presentation...
Tuesday night another team social event cocktails as Phils and then off for Pizza in Medano with cheesecake looking over the water.
The start of my divemaster couse started with testing my stamina which is in tip top shape....... how wrong I was,  the 400 pool swim and the 800 snorkel killed me I am still paying for it.
On my first dive I went to a Tabaiaba a wreck dive in the north of the island with Randall and starfish, Richard and Tony as well as randalls Dad who was completing his PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course.  Everyone took great care of me. The shipwreck was amazingggggg but the next next dive oh my god turtles yippeee.
After a really great day off an the arrival of my two friends with a few treats for the team to try from Belgium it was back to the centre on Sunday for two great dives at tabaiba, we were there with Dean to complete the Deep Specialty for Richard, also with us was Starfish, Seahorse, and Ebb two fab dives to finish the week off
cant wait for my next week of diving hopefully no more stamina.......

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