Monday, July 14, 2014

Blinky a Divemaster at long last and welcome to new intern Flounder


A great start to the week as Blinky completed his Divemaster Skill circuit which was the final step to him becoming a PADI Divemaster !!  Blinkys skills were really good and it was great to see him finish his Internship.  Cakes and Wine at the end of the day for a fond farewell.

We have also welcomed Ryan, aka flounder to the team, Flounder is an Open Water diver although he hasnt dived for some time, so first thing he headed down to the pool to complete a PADI Scuba review, his skills were fine and he was looking back to getting back into the water.

Off he headed with Tinaman who completed two Discover Scuba Divers, Georgia and Adrian.    They both did really well in the pool and were really excited about their dives to Abades.  Flounder enjoyed being back in the water and they all had a good morning.

Tinman and Flounder then headed off to the hotel pool to offer some free try dives, they had a nice busy afternoon with flounder learning the ropes.

Flounder has had a busy week with his EFR Course and studying to start the PADI Advanced Open Water Course.  After watchingthe EFR DVD we started the practical course which as usual was lots of fun, then the exam.  Flounder did really well.

Another pool session for Flounder to practice some more skills it was great to see some improvements, and with a few more sessions he will be doing great.

Another good week here at Mermaid Diving

Mermaid Melissa

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