Sunday, July 20, 2014

Bring on the stamina tests!


A week of Divemaster reading and stamina tests.

The week of stamina started well as I received 5/5 for my kit exchange which I did with Randall. It was the skill that provoked the most thought even right back at the beginning of my internship and it was the one I was most anticipating. It went perfectly though as Randall and I had talked about how we were going to tackle it before we entered the water and it is surprisingly easy changing full kit whilst breathing from only one regulator if you remain calm and composed. 

The next day I had my practice attempt at the 800m snorkel which felt pretty torturous as I ignored Patrick’s advice of not wearing my wetsuit. I found I was far too buoyant and it was impossible to kick efficiently. It was safe to say I listened to my Instructors advice for the ‘real’ test and to just brave the cold without the wetsuit. It went very well and I received 4/5 after a time of 15 minutes. I also received 5/5 for the 15 minute tread and 4/5 for tired diver tow.

Patrick has started to give me a lot more responsibility this week in terms of giving more briefs and leading dives at the sites with which I have been gaining familiarity with. I have led three dives at El Puertito with customers Brian, Vera, Wendell and Craig.  I also led two dives at Radazul with Vera whilst Patrick conducted Wendell’s open water course. I am thoroughly enjoying the new challenge of this type of diving, as leading and having to navigate dives correctly gives a massively different outlook.

General things in Tenerife are incredibly positive. I don’t think I have seen a cloud in the sky for about a month and the mercury is rising more and more every week. I am very much now in the mood for summer – I think it’s going to be a good one!

Anyway I better go now, I have a night dive in a few hours to prepare for….!


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