Sunday, July 20, 2014

Final stretch to Divemaster

Mermaid Diving PADI Divemaster Internship Tenerife Steve Week 5

On my final stretch until Divemaster status! With only 8 more dives to go, I have completed all the other water skills and prerequisites.

One of the last requirements I had to complete was a mapping activity where Alan and I were able to reconstruct the two reefs at the Abades dive site. Each of us took turns taking underwater bearings using our compasses and depth readings off our dive computer while the other calculated distances using kick cycles. It was amazing how accurate of a map we created after only two map dives at the Abades reef.

Other exciting news this week included two birthdays, one for our instructor Patrick and another for the Mermaid Melissa! Outside of the dive shop we celebrated by having a fun night out at El Medano.

I also had another opportunity this week to descend on the Tabaiba shipwreck the same as last week, descending straight down to the deepest depths of about 28 meters. This time was better however because the visibility had improved and we had an extended bottom time to explore the wreck.

Another sad ending to the week was saying our goodbyes to instructor Patrick. Alan and I were both very lucky to have such an able and fun instructor and its obvious how improved my underwater skills have become under his instruction.

Although I am now more than halfway through my internship, I am still excited to finish with as much fun and intensity as I started this internship!

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