Friday, July 25, 2014

Loads of fun deep dives this week!


This week I was able to observe Patrick conduct Alan and Steve’s Advanced Open Water and EFR course.

As I am here for the remainder of the summer and in preparation for my IDC it is always great to watch an instructor conduct all the different programs that PADI offer and it never hurts to keep refreshing the Emergency First Response skills.

 Early on in the week we dived with Yens who completed his Advanced Open Water course with us last year. We went up to Radazul for two great dives where we saw a large shoal of barracuda,trumpet fish and a couple of grouper. Yens was excited to try out his new equipment aswell, so a great day was had by all.

We were joined by Brian and Naomi from the UK who dived with us for a couple of days. Naomi completed her DSD experience and did very well in the pool with the skills and her first open water dive at Abades. Brian who was an Open Water diver completed three adventure dives with us.

We had a deep dive at Las Eras and a wreck and night dive at Tabaiba. Alan and Steve also completed the night dive and it was great to see how much they enjoyed it after such high expectations.

We had a couple of nights out at the weekend in Las Americas and El Medano and also had a team BBQ which was thoroughly enjoyed by  all


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