Thursday, July 17, 2014

Great news Randalls back …..a brief visit from Zippy and Ian and a fun week diving with Ann and Tinman


Another hot week here in the land of the sun, amazing dives and great news for us Randal came back.  Randall completed his Divemaster Internship last summer, and having come back for a brief visit earlier in the year is now here for the next 5 and a half months.  During that time Randall is going to complete his PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor course as well as complete his Master Scuba Diver Trainer and all being well the IDC Staff Instructor course.

Fun start to the week as Tinman headed off to Las Eras with Ann, Laure, Silvain, and Flounder for two amazing dives at Las Eras, the visibility was amazing and they saw so many groups of fish as well as a Canarian Lobster.  All in all a great morn ing out on the water.

The group then headed out to Tabaiba for two deep dives, the Laure and Silvan likes the Wreck and were happy to see it looming in the gloomy waters, and explore the rocky areas of the wall hiding some glorious anemones.

Ann, Randall and Flounder went off to Abades to explore the reef, Ann as usual was practicing with her Camera, while flounder was working on his Dive Site map.  We are looking forward to seeing the finished result of his Map.

We were joined again on Thursday by Silvan and Laure for some dives at Abades, Ann joined the group as its one of her favourite dive sites, on the dives they saw a ray as well as trigger fish.
A nice early pool session was great fun for me, Flounder and Randall working through the skill circuit, it was great to see how well Randall did after several months without practice.  Flounders skills are coming on nicely a few more sessions and he will be ready for his skill circuit.

A lovely evening out with the team, at El Cordero and we were also joined by Zippy intern from two years ago and his Dad, as well as friends Phil, Mike, Helena, May and Russell.  We all had a great evening out and it was lovely to have a relaxing evening laughing with old and new friends.
Bright and early for the end of the week Patrick headed off with randall, Zippy, Ian and flounder to Radazul, a lovely morning and a great time was had by all, at Radazul they saw a grouper, trigger fish and canarian lobster.

After a very sad farewell to Ann, it was nice to have other familiar faces around.

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